List of federal by-elections in Canada

This is a list of by-elections in Canada since Confederation.


41st Parliament (2011–present)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Toronto—Danforth 2012 Jack Layton      NDP               Death (cancer)

40th Parliament (2008–2011)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Vaughan 2010 Maurizio Bevilacqua      Liberal Julian Fantino      Conservative Resignation No
Dauphin—Swan River—Marquette 2010 Inky Mark      Conservative Robert Sopuck      Conservative Resignation Yes
Winnipeg North 2010 Judy Wasylycia-Leis      NDP Kevin Lamoureux      Liberal Resignation No
Cumberland—Colchester—Musquodoboit Valley 2009 Bill Casey      Independent Scott Armstrong      Conservative Resignation No
Hochelaga 2009 Réal Ménard      Bloc Québécois Daniel Paillé      Bloc Québécois Resignation Yes
Montmagny—L'Islet—Kamouraska—Rivière-du-Loup 2009 Paul Crête      Bloc Québécois Bernard Généreux      Conservative Resignation No
New Westminster—Coquitlam 2009 Dawn Black      NDP Fin Donnelly      NDP Resignation Yes

39th Parliament (2006–2008)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Toronto Centre 2008 Bill Graham      Liberal Bob Rae      Liberal Resignation Yes
Willowdale 2008 Jim Peterson      Liberal Martha Hall Findlay      Liberal Resignation Yes
Vancouver Quadra 2008 Stephen Owen      Liberal Joyce Murray      Liberal Resignation Yes
Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River 2008 Gary Merasty      Liberal Rob Clarke      Conservative Resignation No
Outremont 2007 Jean Lapierre      Liberal Thomas Mulcair      NDP Resignation No
Saint-Hyacinthe—Bagot 2007 Yvan Loubier      Bloc Québécois Ève-Mary Thaï Thi Lac      Bloc Québécois Resignation Yes
Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean 2007 Michel Gauthier      Bloc Québécois Denis Lebel      Conservative Resignation No
London North Centre 2006 Joe Fontana      Liberal Glen Pearson      Liberal Resignation Yes
Repentigny 2006 Benoît Sauvageau      Bloc Québécois Raymond Gravel      Bloc Québécois Death
(car accident)

38th Parliament (2004–2006)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Labrador 2005 Lawrence O'Brien      Liberal Todd Russell      Liberal Death (cancer) Yes

37th Parliament (2000–2004)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
2003 Antoine Dubé      Bloc Québécois Christian Jobin      Liberal Resignation No
Témiscamingue 2003 Pierre Brien      Bloc Québécois Gilbert Barrette      Liberal Resignation No
2003 John Richardson      Liberal Gary Schellenberger      Progressive Conservative Resignation No
2002 Michel Bellehumeur      Bloc Québécois Roger Gaudet      Bloc Québécois Resignation Yes
2002 Stéphan Tremblay      Bloc Québécois Sébastien Gagnon      Bloc Québécois Resignation Yes
Calgary Southwest 2002 Preston Manning      Canadian Alliance Stephen Harper      Canadian Alliance Resignation Yes
Saint Boniface 2002 Ron Duhamel      Liberal Raymond Simard      Liberal Appointed to the Senate Yes
2002 Brian Tobin      Liberal John Efford      Liberal Resignation Yes
Grand Falls
2002 George Baker      Liberal Rex Barnes      Progressive Conservative Appointed to the Senate No
Windsor West 2002 Herb Gray      Liberal Brian Masse      New Democratic Party Appointed Chair of the Canadian Section of the International Joint Commission No
2002 Alfonso Gagliano      Liberal Massimo Pacetti      Liberal Appointed Ambassador to Denmark Yes
Pointe Saint-
2002 Raymond Lavigne      Liberal Liza Frulla      Liberal Appointed to the Senate Yes

36th Parliament (1997–2000)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
2000 Jim Hart      Canadian Alliance Stockwell Day      Canadian Alliance Resignation to provide a seat for Day Yes
Kings—Hants 2000 Scott Brison      Progressive Conservative Joe Clark      Progressive Conservative Resignation to provide a seat for Clark Yes
St. John's West 2000 Charlie Power      Progressive Conservative Loyola Hearn      Progressive Conservative Resignation Yes
York West 1999 Sergio Marchi      Liberal Judy Sgro      Liberal Resignation Yes
Hull—Aylmer 1999 Marcel Massé      Liberal Marcel Proulx      Liberal Resignation Yes
Mount Royal 1999 Sheila Finestone      Liberal Irwin Cotler      Liberal Resignation Yes
1999 Chris Axworthy      New Democratic Party Dennis Gruending      New Democratic Party Resignation Yes
St. Clair
1999 Shaughnessy Cohen      Liberal Rick Limoges      Liberal Death (cerebral hemorrhage) Yes
Sherbrooke 1998 Jean Charest      Progressive Conservative Serge Cardin      Bloc Québécois Resignation No
Port Moody—
1998 Sharon Hayes      Reform Lou Sekora      Liberal Resignation No

35th Parliament (1993–1997)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Hamilton East 1996 Sheila Copps      Liberal Sheila Copps      Liberal Resignation Yes
St. Barbe—
Baie Verte
1996 Brian Tobin      Liberal Gerry Byrne      Liberal Resignation Yes
Labrador 1996 Bill Rompkey      Liberal Lawrence O'Brien      Liberal Resignation Yes
Etobicoke North 1996 Roy MacLaren      Liberal Roy Cullen      Liberal Resignation Yes
1996 Lucien Bouchard      Bloc Québécois Stéphan Tremblay      Bloc Québécois Resignation Yes
1996 André Ouellet      Liberal Pierre Pettigrew      Liberal Resignation Yes
1996 Shirley Maheu      Liberal Stéphane Dion      Liberal Appointed to Senate Yes
1995 Jean-Robert Gauthier      Liberal Mauril Bélanger      Liberal Resignation Yes
1995 Gaston Péloquin      Bloc Québécois Denis Paradis      Liberal Death (car accident) No
1995 David Berger      Liberal Lucienne Robillard      Liberal Resignation Yes

34th Parliament (1988–1993)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Beauséjour 1990 Fernand Robichaud      Liberal Jean Chrétien      Liberal Resignation to provide a seat for Chrétien Yes
York North 1990 Maurizio Bevilacqua      Liberal Maurizio Bevilacqua      Liberal Election declared void Yes
Oshawa 1990 Ed Broadbent      New Democratic Party Mike Breaugh      New Democratic Party Resignation Yes
1990 Jean-Claude Malépart      Liberal Gilles Duceppe      Independent Death No
Chambly 1990 Richard Grisé      Progressive Conservative Phil Edmonston      New Democratic Party Resignation No
Beaver River 1989 John Dahmer      Progressive Conservative Deborah Grey      Reform Death (cancer) No

33rd Parliament (1984–1988)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Lac-Saint-Jean 1988 Clément Côté      Progressive Conservative Lucien Bouchard      Progressive Conservative Resignation Yes
St. John's East 1987 James A. McGrath      Progressive Conservative Jack Harris      New Democratic Party Resignation No
Hamilton Mountain 1987 Ian Deans      New Democratic Party Marion Dewar      New Democratic Party Resignation Yes
Yukon 1987 Erik Nielsen      Progressive Conservative Audrey McLaughlin      New Democratic Party Resignation No
Pembina 1986 Peter Elzinga      Progressive Conservative Walter van de Walle      Progressive Conservative Resignation Yes
Saint-Maurice 1986 Jean Chrétien      Liberal Gilles Grondin      Liberal Resignation Yes

32nd Parliament (1980–1984)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Mission—Port Moody 1983 Mark Rose      New Democratic Party Gerry St. Germain      Progressive Conservative Resignation No
Central Nova 1983 Elmer M. MacKay      Progressive Conservative Brian Mulroney      Progressive Conservative Resignation to provide a seat for Mulroney Yes
Brandon—Souris 1983 Walter Dinsdale      Progressive Conservative Lee Clark      Progressive Conservative Death (kidney failure) Yes
Broadview—Greenwood 1982 Bob Rae      New Democratic Party Lynn McDonald      New Democratic Party Resignation Yes
Leeds—Grenville 1982 Tom Cossitt      Progressive Conservative Jennifer Cossitt      Progressive Conservative Death (heart attack) Yes
Timiskaming 1982 Bruce Lonsdale      Liberal John A. MacDougall      Progressive Conservative Death (car accident) No
Spadina 1981 Peter Stollery      Liberal Dan Heap      New Democratic Party Appointment to the Senate No
Joliette 1981 Roch La Salle      Progressive Conservative Roch La Salle      Progressive Conservative Resignation Yes
Lévis 1981 Raynald Guay      Liberal Gaston Gourde      Liberal Resignation Yes
London West 1981 Judd Buchanan      Liberal Jack Burghardt      Liberal Resignation Yes
Cardigan 1981 Daniel J. MacDonald      Liberal W. Bennett Campbell      Liberal Death Yes
Hamilton West 1980 Lincoln Alexander      Progressive Conservative Stan Hudecki      Liberal Resignation No

31st Parliament (1979–1980)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Prince Albert 1979 John Diefenbaker      Progressive Conservative Stan Hovdebo      New Democratic Party Death No
Burin—St. George's 1979 Don Jamieson      Liberal Roger Simmons      Liberal Resignation Yes

30th Parliament (1974–1979)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Burnaby—Richmond—Delta 1978 John Reynolds      Progressive Conservative Tom Siddon      Progressive Conservative Resignation Yes
St. Boniface 1978 Joseph-P. Guay      Liberal Jack Hare      Progressive Conservative Resignation No
Fundy—Royal 1978 Gordon Fairweather      Progressive Conservative Robert Corbett      Progressive Conservative Resignation Yes
Humber—St. George's—St. Barbe 1978 Jack Marshall      Progressive Conservative Fonse Faour      New Democratic Party Resignation No
Halifax—East Hants 1978 Bob McCleave      Progressive Conservative Howard Edward Crosby      Progressive Conservative Resignation Yes
Broadview 1978 John Gilbert      New Democratic Party Bob Rae      New Democratic Party Resignation Yes
Eglinton 1978 Mitchell Sharp      Liberal Rob Parker      Progressive Conservative Resignation No
Hamilton—Wentworth 1978 Sean O'Sullivan      Progressive Conservative Geoff Scott      Progressive Conservative Resignation Yes
Ottawa Centre 1978 Hugh Poulin      Liberal Robert de Cotret      Progressive Conservative Resignation No
Parkdale 1978 Stan Haidasz      Liberal Yuri Shymko      Progressive Conservative Resignation No
Rosedale 1978 Donald S. Macdonald      Liberal David Crombie      Progressive Conservative Resignation No
York—Scarborough 1978 Robert Stanbury      Liberal W. Paul McCrossan      Progressive Conservative Resignation No
Lotbinière 1978 André Fortin      Social Credit Richard Janelle      Social Credit Death Yes
Saint-Hyacinthe 1978 Claude Wagner      Progressive Conservative Marcel Ostiguy      Liberal Resignation No
Westmount 1978 Bud Drury      Liberal Don Johnston      Liberal Resignation Yes
Malpeque 1977 J. Angus MacLean      Progressive Conservative Donald Wood      Liberal Resignation No
Langelier 1977 Jean Marchand      Liberal Gilles Lamontagne      Liberal Resignation Yes
Louis-Hébert 1977 Albanie Morin      Liberal Dennis Dawson      Liberal Death Yes
Témiscamingue 1977 Réal Caouette      Social Credit Gilles Caouette      Social Credit Death Yes
Terrebonne 1977 Joseph-Roland Comtois      Liberal Joseph-Roland Comtois      Liberal Resignation Yes
Verdun 1977 Bryce Mackasey      Liberal Raymond Savard      Liberal Resignation Yes
St. John's West 1976 Walter Carter      Progressive Conservative John C. Crosbie      Progressive Conservative Resignation Yes
Ottawa—Carleton 1976 John Turner      Liberal Jean Pigott      Progressive Conservative Resignation No
Restigouche 1975 Jean-Eudes Dubé      Liberal Maurice Harquail      Liberal Resignation Yes
Hochelaga 1975 Gérard Pelletier      Liberal Jacques Lavoie      Progressive Conservative Resignation No

29th Parliament (1972–1974)

No by-elections called.

28th Parliament (1968–1972)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Assiniboia 1971 Albert B. Douglas      Liberal Bill Knight      New Democratic Party Death No
Central Nova 1971 Russell MacEwan      Progressive Conservative Elmer M. MacKay      Progressive Conservative Resignation Yes
Brant 1971 James E. Brown      Liberal Derek Blackburn      New Democratic Party Appointed a judge No
Chambly 1971 Bernard Pilon      Liberal Yvon L'Heureux      Liberal Death Yes
Trois-Rivières 1971 Joseph-Alfred Mongrain      Liberal Claude Lajoie      Liberal Death Yes
Lisgar 1970 George Muir      Progressive Conservative Jack Murta      Progressive Conservative Death Yes
Frontenac 1970 Bernard Dumont      Ralliement Créditiste Léopold Corriveau      Liberal Resignation No
Labelle 1970 Léo Cadieux      Liberal Maurice Dupras      Liberal Appointed Ambassador to France Yes
Selkirk 1970 Edward Schreyer      New Democratic Party Doug Rowland      New Democratic Party Resignation Yes
Comox—Alberni 1969 Richard J. J. Durante      Liberal Thomas Speakman Barnett      New Democratic Party Election declared void No
Nanaimo—Cowichan—The Islands 1969 Colin Cameron      New Democratic Party Tommy C. Douglas      New Democratic Party Death Yes

27th Parliament (1965–1968)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Jasper—Edson 1967 Hugh Horner      Progressive Conservative Douglas Caston      Progressive Conservative Resignation Yes
Bonavista—Twillingate 1967 Jack Pickersgill      Liberal Charles Ronald Granger      Liberal Resignation Yes
Colchester—Hants 1967 Cyril F. Kennedy      Progressive Conservative Robert L. Stanfield      Progressive Conservative Resignation to provide a seat for Stanfield Yes
Sudbury 1967 Rodger Mitchell      Liberal Bud Germa      New Democratic Party Death No
Hull 1967 Alexis Caron      Liberal Pierre Caron      Liberal Death Yes
Outremont—St-Jean 1967 Maurice Lamontagne      Liberal Aurélien Noël      Liberal Resignation Yes
Papineau 1967 Guy Favreau      Liberal André Ouellet      Liberal Resignation Yes
Richelieu—Verchères 1967 Lucien Cardin      Liberal Jacques-R. Tremblay      Liberal Resignation Yes
Burin—Burgeo 1966 Chesley W. Carter      Liberal Don Jamieson      Liberal Called to the Senate Yes
Grand Falls—White Bay—Labrador 1966 Charles Ronald Granger      Liberal Andrew Chatwood      Liberal Resignation Yes
Nicolet—Yamaska 1966 Clément Vincent      Progressive Conservative Florian Coté      Liberal Resignation No

26th Parliament (1963–1965)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Westmorland 1964 Sherwood Rideout      Liberal Margaret Rideout      Liberal Death Yes
Waterloo South 1964 Gordon Chaplin      Progressive Conservative Max Saltsman      New Democratic Party Death No
Nipissing 1964 Jack Garland      Liberal Carl Legault      Liberal Death Yes
Saskatoon 1964 Henry Frank Jones      Progressive Conservative Eloise Jones      Progressive Conservative Death Yes
Laurier 1964 Lionel Chevrier      Liberal Fernand-E. Leblanc      Liberal Resignation Yes
Saint-Denis 1964 Azellus Denis      Liberal Marcel Prud'Homme      Liberal Resignation Yes

25th Parliament (1962–1963)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Burnaby—Coquitlam 1962 Erhart Regier      New Democratic Party Tommy Douglas      New Democratic Party Resignation to provide a seat for Douglas Yes

24th Parliament (1958–1962)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Esquimalt—Saanich 1961 George Pearkes      Progressive Conservative George Chatterton      Progressive Conservative Appointed Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia Yes
Restigouche—Madawaska 1961 Joseph Charles Van Horne      Progressive Conservative Edgar-E. Fournier      Progressive Conservative Resignation Yes
Leeds 1961 Hayden Stanton      Progressive Conservative John Ross Matheson      Liberal Death No
King's 1961 John Augustine Macdonald      Progressive Conservative Margaret Mary Macdonald      Progressive Conservative Death Yes
Royal 1960 Alfred J. Brooks      Progressive Conservative Hugh John Flemming      Progressive Conservative Called to the Senate Yes
Niagara Falls 1960 William L. Houck      Liberal Judy LaMarsh      Liberal Death Yes
Peterborough 1960 Gordon K. Fraser      Progressive Conservative Walter Pitman      New Party Death No
Labelle 1960 Henri Courtemanche      Progressive Conservative Gaston Clermont      Liberal Called to the Senate No
Hastings—Frontenac 1959 Sidney Earle Smith      Progressive Conservative Rod Webb      Progressive Conservative Death Yes
Russell 1959 Joseph-Omer Gour      Liberal Paul Tardif      Liberal Death Yes
Springfield 1958 Val Yacula      Progressive Conservative Joe Slogan      Progressive Conservative Death Yes
Trinity 1958 Edward R. Lockyer      Progressive Conservative Paul Hellyer      Liberal Death No
Grenville—Dundas 1958 A. Clair Casselman      Progressive Conservative Jean Casselman      Progressive Conservative Death Yes
Montmagny—L'Islet 1958 Jean Lesage      Liberal Louis Fortin      Progressive Conservative Resigned to enter provincial politics in Quebec No

23rd Parliament (1957–1958)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Yukon 1957 James Aubrey Simmons      Liberal Erik Nielsen      Progressive Conservative Election declared void No
Hastings—Frontenac 1957 George Stanley White      Progressive Conservative Sidney Earle Smith      Progressive Conservative Called to the Senate Yes
Lanark 1957 William G. Blair      Progressive Conservative George H. Doucett      Progressive Conservative Death Yes

22nd Parliament (1953–1957)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Saint-Jean—Iberville—Napierville 1955 Alcide Côté      Liberal J.-Armand Ménard      Liberal Death Yes
Spadina 1955 David A. Croll      Liberal Charles E. Rea      Progressive Conservative Called to the Senate No
Restigouche—Madawaska 1955 Joseph-Gaspard Boucher      Liberal Joseph Charles Van Horne      Progressive Conservative Death No
Bellechasse 1955 L.-Philippe Picard      Liberal Ovide Laflamme      Liberal Resignation Yes
Quebec South 1955 Charles G. Power      Liberal Frank G. Power      Liberal Called to the Senate Yes
Témiscouata 1955 Jean-François Pouliot      Liberal Jean-Paul St-Laurent      Liberal Called to the Senate Yes
Battle River—Camrose 1955 Robert Fair      Social Credit James A. Smith      Social Credit Death Yes
Selkirk 1954 Robert James Wood      Liberal Scottie Bryce      C. C. F. Death No
Stormont 1954 Lionel Chevrier      Liberal Albert Peter Lavigne      Liberal Appointed President of the St. Lawrence Seaway Authority Yes
Trinity 1954 Lionel Conacher      Liberal Donald D. Carrick      Liberal Death Yes
York West 1954 Rodney Adamson      Progressive Conservative John B. Hamilton      Progressive Conservative Death Yes
Saint-Antoine—Westmount 1954 Douglas Charles Abbott      Liberal George C. Marler      Liberal Appointed a Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada Yes
St. Lawrence—St. George 1954 Brooke Claxton      Liberal Claude Richardson      Liberal Resignation Yes
Elgin 1954 Charles Delmer Coyle      Progressive Conservative James A. McBain      Progressive Conservative Death Yes
Peel 1954 Gordon Graydon      Progressive Conservative John Pallett      Progressive Conservative Death Yes
Gatineau 1954 Joseph-Célestin Nadon      Liberal Rodolphe Leduc      Liberal Death Yes
Verdun 1954 Paul-Émile Côté      Liberal Yves Leduc      Liberal Appointed a Superior Court Judge of Quebec Yes

21st Parliament (1949–1953)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Outremont—St-Jean 1952 Édouard-G. Rinfret      Liberal Romuald Bourque      Liberal Appointed a Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench of Quebec Yes
Richelieu—Verchères 1952 Gérard Cournoyer      Liberal Lucien Cardin      Liberal Resignation Yes
Ontario 1952 Walter Cunningham Thomson      Liberal Michael Starr      Progressive Conservative Resignation No
Gloucester 1952 Clovis-Thomas Richard      Liberal Albany M. Robichaud      Progressive Conservative Acceptance of an office of emolument under the Crown No
Victoria—Carleton 1952 Heber Harold Hatfield      Progressive Conservative Gage W. Montgomery      Progressive Conservative Death Yes
Brome—Missisquoi 1952 Henri A. Gosselin      Liberal Joseph-Léon Deslières      Liberal Death Yes
Roberval 1952 Joseph-Alfred Dion      Liberal Paul-Henri Spence      Progressive Conservative Appointed a Superior Court Judge of Quebec No
Waterloo North 1952 Louis Orville Breithaupt      Liberal Norman C. Schneider      Liberal Appointed Lieutenant Governor of Ontario Yes
Calgary West 1951 Arthur LeRoy Smith      Progressive Conservative Carl Olof Nickle      Progressive Conservative Resignation Yes
Brandon 1951 James Ewen Matthews      Liberal Walter Dinsdale      Progressive Conservative Death No
Queen's 1951 J. Lester Douglas      Liberal J. Angus MacLean      Progressive Conservative Death No
Waterloo South 1951 Karl Homuth      Progressive Conservative Howie Meeker      Progressive Conservative Death Yes
Winnipeg South Centre 1951 Ralph Maybank      Liberal Gordon Churchill      Progressive Conservative Resignation No
Rimouski 1950 Gleason Belzile      Liberal Joseph-Hervé Rousseau      Independent Liberal Death No
St. Mary 1950 Gaspard Fauteux      Liberal Hector Dupuis      Liberal Resignation Yes
Welland 1950 Humphrey Mitchell      Liberal William H. McMillan      Liberal Death Yes
Joliette—L'Assomption—Montcalm 1950 Georges-Émile Lapalme      Liberal Maurice Breton      Liberal Resignation Yes
Annapolis—Kings 1950 Angus Alexander Elderkin      Liberal George Clyde Nowlan      Progressive Conservative Election declared void No
Cartier 1950 Maurice Hartt      Liberal Leon David Crestohl      Liberal Death Yes
Halifax 1950 Gordon B. Isnor      Liberal Sam Balcom      Liberal Appointed to the Senate Yes
Broadview 1950 Thomas Langton Church      Progressive Conservative George Hees      Progressive Conservative Death Yes
Hamilton West 1950 Colin W. G. Gibson      Liberal Ellen L. Fairclough      Progressive Conservative Appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court of Ontario No
Gatineau 1949 Léon-Joseph Raymond      Liberal Joseph-Célestin Nadon      Liberal Appointed Clerk of the House of Commons Yes
Kamouraska 1949 Eugène Marquis      Liberal Arthur Massé      Independent Liberal Appointed a Superior Court Judge of Quebec No
Laurier 1949 Ernest Bertrand      Liberal J.-Eugène Lefrancois      Liberal Appointed a Judge of the Court of King's Bench of Quebec Yes
Mercier 1949 Joseph Jean      Liberal Marcel Monette      Liberal Appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court of the District of Montreal Yes
Jacques Cartier 1949 Elphège Marier      Liberal Edgar Leduc      Independent Appointed a Superior Court Judge of Quebec No
Greenwood 1949 J. Ernest McMillin      Progressive Conservative James Macdonnell      Progressive Conservative Death Yes
New Westminster 1949 Tom Reid      Liberal William Malcolm Mott      Liberal Appointed to the Senate Yes
Restigouche—Madawaska 1949 Benoît Michaud      Liberal Paul-Léon Dubé      Independent Liberal Death No

20th Parliament (1945–1949)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Nicolet—Yamaska 1949 Lucien Dubois      Independent Liberal Renaud Chapdelaine      Progressive Conservative Death No
Carleton 1948 G. Russell Boucher      Progressive Conservative George A. Drew      Progressive Conservative Resignation to provide a seat for Drew Yes
Laval—Two Mountains 1948 Liguori Lacombe      Independent Léopold Demers      Liberal Resignation No
Marquette 1948 James Allison Glen      Liberal Stuart Sinclair Garson      Liberal Resignation Yes
Digby—Annapolis—Kings 1948 James Lorimer Ilsley      Liberal George Clyde Nowlan      Progressive Conservative Resignation No
Algoma East 1948 Thomas Farquhar      Liberal Lester B. Pearson      Liberal Called to the Senate Yes
Rosthern 1948 Walter Adam Tucker      Liberal William Albert Boucher      Liberal Resignation Yes
Ontario 1948 W. E. N. Sinclair      Liberal Arthur Henry Williams      C. C. F. Death No
Vancouver Centre 1948 Ian Alistair Mackenzie      Liberal Rodney Young      C. C. F. Called to the Senate No
Yale 1948 Grote Stirling      Progressive Conservative Owen Lewis Jones      C. C. F. Resignation No
York—Sunbury 1947 H. Francis G. Bridges      Liberal Milton Gregg      Liberal Death Yes
Halifax 1947 William Chisholm Macdonald      Liberal John Dickey      Liberal Death Yes
Cartier 1947 Fred Rose      Labour Progressive Maurice Hartt      Liberal Seat declared vacant by resolution of the House of Commons No
Richelieu—Verchères 1946 Pierre-Joseph-Arthur Cardin      Independent Gérard Cournoyer      Liberal Death No
Parkdale 1946 Herbert A. Bruce      Progressive Conservative Harold Timmins      Progressive Conservative Resignation Yes
Portage la Prairie 1946 Harry Leader      Liberal Calvert Charlton Miller      Progressive Conservative Death No
Pontiac 1946 Wallace Reginald McDonald      Liberal Réal Caouette      Social Credit Death No
Glengarry 1945 William B. MacDiarmid      Liberal William Lyon Mackenzie King      Liberal Resignation to provide a seat for Mackenzie King Yes

19th Parliament (1940–1945)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Grey North 1945 William Pattison Telford, Jr.      Liberal W. Garfield Case      Progressive Conservative Resignation to provide a seat for Andrew McNaughton No
Cartier 1943 Peter Bercovitch      Liberal Fred Rose      Labour Progressive Death No
Stanstead 1943 Robert Greig Davidson      Liberal Joseph-Armand Choquette      Bloc populaire canadien Election declared void No
Humboldt 1943 Harry Raymond Fleming      Liberal Joseph William Burton      C. C. F. Death No
Selkirk 1943 Joseph Thorarinn Thorson      Liberal William Bryce      C. C. F. Appointed President of the Exchequer Court of Canada No
Charlevoix—Saguenay 1942 Pierre-François Casgrain      Liberal Frédéric Dorion      Independent Appointed a Superior Court Judge of Quebec No
Winnipeg North Centre 1942 J. S. Woodsworth      C. C. F. Stanley Knowles      C. C. F. Death Yes
Outremont 1942 Thomas Vien      Liberal Léo Richer Laflèche      Liberal Called to the Senate Yes
St. Mary 1942 Hermas Deslauriers      Liberal Gaspard Fauteux      Liberal Death Yes
Welland 1942 Arthur Damude      Liberal Humphrey Mitchell      Liberal Death Yes
York South 1942 Alan Cockeram      National Government Joseph W. Noseworthy      C. C. F. Resignation to provide a seat for Arthur Meighen No
Quebec East 1942 Ernest Lapointe      Liberal Louis St. Laurent      Liberal Death Yes
Edmonton East 1941 Frederick Clayton Casselman      Liberal Cora Taylor Casselman      Liberal Death Yes
Saskatoon City 1940 Walter George Brown      United Reform Movement Alfred Henry Bence      Conservative Death No
Carleton 1940 Alonzo Hyndman      National Government George Russell Boucher      Conservative Death Yes
Waterloo North 1940 William Daum Euler      Liberal Louis Orville Breithaupt      Liberal Appointed to the Senate Yes
Kingston City 1940 Norman McLeod Rogers      Liberal Angus Lewis Macdonald      Liberal Death Yes

18th Parliament (1935–1940)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Prince 1940 Alfred Edgar MacLean      Liberal James Layton Ralston      Liberal Death Yes
Saskatoon City 1939 Alexander MacGillivray Young      Liberal Walter George Brown      United Reform Movement Death No
St. James 1939 Fernand Rinfret      Liberal Eugène Durocher      Liberal Death Yes
Jacques Cartier 1939 Vital Mallette      Liberal Elphège Marier      Liberal Death Yes
Kent 1939 James Rutherford      Liberal Arthur Lisle Thompson      Liberal Death Yes
Calgary West 1939 R. B. Bennett      Conservative Douglas Cunnington      Conservative Resignation Yes
Brandon 1938 David Wilson Beaubier      Conservative James Ewen Matthews      Liberal Death No
London 1938 Frederick Cronyn Betts      Conservative Robert James Manion      Conservative Death Yes
Waterloo South 1938 Alexander Edwards      Conservative Karl Homuth      Conservative Death Yes
Cartier 1938 Samuel William Jacobs      Liberal Peter Bercovitch      Liberal Death Yes
Edmonton East 1938 William Samuel Hall      Social Credit Orvis A. Kennedy      Social Credit Death Yes
Argenteuil 1938 George H. Perley      Conservative Georges Héon      Independent Conservative Death No
St. John—Albert 1938 William Ryan      Liberal Allan McAvity      Liberal Death Yes
St. Henry 1938 Paul Mercier      Liberal Joseph Arsène Bonnier      Liberal Appointed a Circuit Court Judge of Montreal Yes
Lotbinière 1937 Joseph-Achille Verville      Liberal Joseph-Napoléon Francoeur      Liberal Death Yes
Victoria 1937 Simon Fraser Tolmie      Conservative Robert Mayhew      Liberal Death No
Dufferin—Simcoe 1937 William Earl Rowe      Conservative William Earl Rowe      Conservative Resignation Yes
Frontenac—Addington 1937 Colin Campbell      Liberal Angus Neil McCallum      Liberal Resignation Yes
Cape Breton North and Victoria 1937 Daniel Alexander Cameron      Liberal Matthew Maclean      Liberal Death Yes
Renfrew North 1937 Matthew McKay      Liberal Ralph Warren      Liberal Death Yes
Hamilton West 1937 Herbert Earl Wilton      Conservative John Allmond Marsh      Conservative Death Yes
Bonaventure 1937 Charles Marcil      Liberal Pierre-Emile Cote      Liberal Death Yes
Ottawa East 1936 Edgar-Rodolphe-Eugène Chevrier      Liberal Joseph Albert Pinard      Liberal Appointed a judge of the High Court of Justice of Ontario Yes
Gloucester 1936 Peter Veniot      Liberal Clarence Joseph Veniot      Liberal Death Yes
Wright 1936 Fizalam-William Perras      Liberal Rodolphe Leduc      Liberal Death Yes
Victoria 1936 D'Arcy Plunkett      Conservative Simon Tolmie      Conservative Death Yes
Antigonish—Guysborough 1936 William Duff      Liberal James Ralph Kirk      Liberal Called to the Senate Yes
Portneuf 1936 Lucien Cannon      Liberal Pierre Gauthier      Liberal Appointed a Superior Court Judge of Quebec Yes
Assiniboia 1936 Robert McKenzie      Liberal James Garfield Gardiner      Liberal Resignation to provide a seat for Gardiner Yes
Queen's 1935 J. James Larabee      Liberal Charles Avery Dunning      Liberal Appointed a Fisheries Protection Officer Yes

17th Parliament (1930-1935)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Frontenac—Addington 1934 William Spankie      Conservative Colin Campbell      Liberal Death No
Toronto East 1934 Edmond Baird Ryckman      Conservative Thomas Langton Church      Conservative Death Yes
Kenora—Rainy River 1934 Peter Heenan      Liberal Hugh McKinnon      Liberal Resignation Yes
Elgin West 1934 Mitchell Hepburn      Liberal Wilson Mills      Liberal Resignation Yes
York North 1934 Thomas Herbert Lennox      Conservative William Pate Mulock      Liberal Death No
Oxford South 1934 Thomas Merritt Cayley      Liberal Almon Rennie      Liberal Death Yes
Yamaska 1933 Aimé Boucher      Liberal Aimé Boucher      Liberal Election declared void Yes
Mackenzie 1933 Milton Neil Campbell      Progressive John Angus MacMillan      Liberal Appointed vice-president of the Tariff Board No
Restigouche—Madawaska 1933 Maxime Cormier      Conservative Joseph Michaud      Liberal Death No
Huron South 1932 Thomas McMillan      Liberal William Henry Golding      Liberal Death Yes
Maisonneuve 1932 Clément Robitaille      Liberal Joseph Jean      Liberal Death Yes
Royal 1932 George Burpee Jones      Conservative George Burpee Jones      Conservative Resignation Yes
Athabaska 1932 John Francis Buckley      Liberal Percy Griffith Davies      Conservative Death No
Three Rivers—St. Maurice 1931 Arthur Bettez      Liberal Charles Bourgeois      Conservative Death No
Hamilton East 1931 George Septimus Rennie      Conservative Humphrey Mitchell      Labour Death No
Richmond—West Cape Breton 1930 John Alexander Macdonald      Conservative Edgar Nelson Rhodes      Conservative Resignation to provide a seat for Rhodes Yes
Melfort 1930 Robert Weir      Conservative Robert Weir      Conservative Recontested upon ministerial appointment Yes
Oxford North 1930 Donald Matheson Sutherland      Conservative Donald Matheson Sutherland      Conservative Recontested upon ministerial appointment Yes
Leeds 1930 Hugh Alexander Stewart      Conservative Hugh Alexander Stewart      Conservative Recontested upon ministerial appointment Yes
Kootenay East 1930 Michael Dalton McLean      Conservative Henry Herbert Stevens      Conservative Resignation to provide a seat for Stevens Yes
Laval—Two Mountains 1930 Arthur Sauvé      Conservative Arthur Sauvé      Conservative Recontested upon ministerial appointment Yes
Toronto East 1930 Edmond Baird Ryckman      Conservative Edmond Baird Ryckman      Conservative Recontested upon ministerial appointment Yes
Neepawa 1930 Thomas Gerow Murphy      Conservative Thomas Gerow Murphy      Conservative Recontested upon ministerial appointment Yes
Fort William 1930 Robert James Manion      Conservative Robert James Manion      Conservative Recontested upon ministerial appointment Yes
St. John—Albert 1930 Murray MacLaren      Conservative Murray MacLaren      Conservative Recontested upon ministerial appointment Yes
Wellington South 1930 Hugh Guthrie      Conservative Hugh Guthrie      Conservative Recontested upon ministerial appointment Yes
Timiskaming South 1930 Wesley Gordon      Conservative Wesley Gordon      Conservative Recontested upon ministerial appointment Yes
Chambly--Verchères 1930 Alfred Duranleau      Conservative Alfred Duranleau      Conservative Recontested upon ministerial appointment Yes
Quebec West 1930 Maurice Dupré      Conservative Maurice Dupré      Conservative Recontested on ministerial appointment Yes
St. Lawrence—St. George 1930 Charles Cahan      Conservative Charles Cahan      Conservative Recontested on ministerial appointment Yes
Calgary West 1930 R. B. Bennett      Conservative R. B. Bennett      Conservative Recontested on ministerial appointment Yes

15th Parliament (1925–1926)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Middlesex West 1926 John Campbell Elliott      Liberal John Campbell Elliott      Liberal Recontested upon ministerial appointment Yes
Regina 1926 Francis Nicholson Darke      Liberal Charles Avery Dunning      Liberal Resignation to provide a seat for Dunning Yes
Prince Albert 1926 Charles McDonald      Liberal William Lyon Mackenzie King      Liberal Resignation to provide a seat for Mackenzie King Yes
Bagot 1925 Joseph Edmond Marcile      Liberal Georges Dorèze Morin      Liberal Death Yes

13th Parliament (1917-1921)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Medicine Hat 1921 Arthur Lewis Sifton      Unionist Robert Gardiner      Progressive Death No
Yamaska 1921 Joseph Ernest Oscar Gladu      Laurier Liberal Aimé Boucher      Liberal Death Yes
York—Sunbury 1921 Harry Fulton McLeod      Unionist Richard Hanson      Conservative Death Yes
Peterborough West 1921 John Hampden Burnham      Unionist George Newcombe Gordon      Liberal Resignation No
Yale 1920 Martin Burrell      Unionist John Armstrong MacKelvie      Conservative Appointed Librarian of Parliament Yes
Elgin East 1920 David Marshall      Unionist Sydney Smith McDermand      United Farmers Death No
St. John—Albert 1920 Rupert Wilson Wigmore      Unionist Rupert Wilson Wigmore      Conservative Recontested upon ministerial appointment Yes
Colchester 1920 Fleming Blanchard McCurdy      Unionist Fleming Blanchard McCurdy      Nationalist Liberal Recontested upon ministerial appointment Yes
Timiskaming 1920 Francis Cochrane      Unionist Angus McDonald      Independent Death No
St. James 1920 Louis Audet Lapointe      Laurier Liberal Fernand Rinfret      Liberal Death Yes
Kamouraska 1920 Ernest Lapointe      Laurier Liberal Charles Adolphe Stein      Liberal Resignation to contest Quebec East by-election Yes
Ontario North 1919 Samuel Simpson Sharpe      Conservative Robert Henry Halbert      Independent Death No
Quebec East 1919 Wilfrid Laurier      Laurier Liberal Ernest Lapointe      Laurier Liberal Death Yes
Glengarry and Stormont 1919 John McMartin      Unionist John Wilfred Kennedy      United Farmers Death No
Victoria—Carleton 1919 Frank Carvell      Unionist Thomas Wakem Caldwell      United Farmers Appointed Chairman of the Board of Railway Commissioners No
Assiniboia 1919 John Gillanders Turriff      Unionist Oliver Robert Gould      United Farmers Called to the Senate No
Victoria City 1919 Simon Fraser Tolmie      Unionist Simon Fraser Tolmie      Unionist Recontested upon ministerial appointment Yes
Prince 1919 Joseph Read      Liberal William Lyon Mackenzie King      Liberal Death Yes
Kingston 1919 William Folger Nickle      Conservative Henry Lumley Drayton      Unionist Resignation Yes
Lanark 1918 Adelbert Edward Hanna      Unionist John Alexander Stewart      Unionist Death Yes

11th Parliament (1909–1911)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Drummond—Arthabaska 1910 Louis Lavergne      Liberal Arthur Gilbert      Nationaliste Called to the Senate No
City of Ottawa 1910 Sir Wilfred Laurier      Liberal Albert Allard      Liberal Resignation Yes
Dufferin 1909 John Barr      Conservative John Best      Conservative Death Yes
Lunenburg 1909 Alexander Kenneth MacLean      Liberal John Drew Sperry      Liberal Resignation Yes
Middlesex West 1909 William Samuel Calvert      Liberal Duncan Campbell Ross      Liberal Appointed to the National Transcontinental Railway Commission Yes
Essex North 1909 Robert Franklin Sutherland      Liberal Oliver James Wilcox      Conservative Appointed a judge No
Lotbinière 1909 Edmond Fortier      Liberal Edmond Fortier      Liberal Election declared void Yes
Strathcona 1909 Wilbert McIntyre      Liberal James McCrie Douglas      Liberal Death Yes
Montcalm 1909 François-Octave Dugas      Liberal David-Arthur Lafortune      Independent Liberal Appointed a Superior Court Judge of Quebec No
Waterloo North 1909 William Lyon Mackenzie King      Liberal William Lyon Mackenzie King      Liberal Recontested upon ministerial appointment Yes
Carleton 1909 Robert Borden      Conservative Edward Kidd      Conservative Chose to sit for Halifax Yes
Comox—Atlin 1909 William Sloan      Liberal William Templeman      Liberal Resignation to provide a seat for Templeman Yes

10th Parliament (1905–1908)

By-election Year Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Stanstead 1908 Henry Lovell      Liberal Charles Henry Lovell      Liberal Death. Yes
Huron South 1908 Benjamin B. Gunn      Conservative Murdo Young McLean      Liberal Death. No
Nicolet 1907 Charles Ramsay Devlin      Liberal Gustave-Adolphe-Narcisse Turcotte      Liberal Resigned upon being appointed to the provincial cabinet of Quebec. Yes
Ottawa (City of) 1907 Napoléon Antoine Belcourt      Liberal William H. Hutchison      Liberal On being called to the Senate. Yes
Labelle 1907 Henri Bourassa      Liberal Charles Beautron Major      Liberal Resigned to enter provincial politics. Yes
York Centre 1907 Archibald Campbell      Liberal Peter Douglas McLean      Liberal On being called to the Senate. Yes
Colchester 1907 Frederick Andrew Laurence      Liberal John Stanfield      Conservative On being appointed a judge. No
London 1907 C. S. Hyman      Liberal Thomas Beattie      Conservative Resigned. No
Northumberland East 1907 Edward Cochrane      Conservative Charles Lewis Owen      Conservative Death. Yes
Brockville 1907 Daniel Derbyshire      Liberal George Perry Graham      Liberal Resigned. Derbyshire was appointed to the Senate following the by-election. Yes
City and County of St. John 1907 Alfred Stockton      Conservative William Pugsley      Liberal Death No
Richelieu 1907 Arthur-Aimé Bruneau      Liberal Adélard Lanctôt      Liberal On being appointed Judge of the Superior Court of Quebec. Yes
L'Assomption 1907 Romuald-Charlemagne Laurier      Liberal Ruben Charles Laurier      Liberal Death. Yes
Three Rivers and St. Maurice 1907 Jacques Bureau      Liberal Jacques Bureau      Liberal Ministerial by-election. Resigned upon being appointed Solicitor-General. Yes
Victoria 1907 John Costigan      Liberal Pius Michaud      Liberal Called to Senate Yes
Nicolet 1906 Rodolphe Lemieux      Liberal Charles Ramsay Devlin      Liberal Resigned. Elected for Gaspé and for Nicolet. Chose to sit for Gaspé. Yes
St. Ann 1906 Daniel Gallery      Liberal Joseph Charles Walsh      Liberal On election being declared void. Yes
Shelburne and Queen's 1906 William Stevens Fielding      Liberal William Stevens Fielding      Liberal On general election result being declared void. Yes
Bruce North 1906 Leonard Thomas Bland      Liberal-Conservative John Tolmie      Liberal Death. No
Quebec County 1906 Charles Fitzpatrick      Liberal Lorenzo Robitaille      Independent Liberal On being appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada. No
Elgin East 1906 Andrew B. Ingram      Liberal-Conservative David Marshall      Conservative Resigned due to appointment as Vice Chairman of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Commission. Yes
Renfrew North 1906 Peter White      Conservative Gerald Verner White      Conservative Death. Yes
Strathcona 1906 Peter Talbot      Liberal Wilbert McIntyre      Liberal Appointed to Senate Yes
Cape Breton North and Victoria 1906 Daniel Duncan McKenzie      Liberal Alexander Charles Ross      Liberal On being appointed a judge. Yes
Victoria City 1906 George Riley      Liberal William Templeman      Liberal Resigned so that cabinet minister Templeman could run for a seat in the House of Commons. Yes
Maisonneuve 1906 Raymond Préfontaine      Liberal Alphonse Verville      Labour Death. No
Assiniboia West 1906 Thomas Walter Scott      Liberal William Erskine Knowles      Liberal Resigned to enter provincial politics in Saskatchewan Yes
Saskatchewan (electoral district) 1906 John Henderson Lamont      Liberal George Ewan McCraney      Liberal Resigned to run in Saskatchewan's first provincial election. Yes
Sherbrooke (Town of) 1906 Arthur Norreys Worthington      Conservative Arthur Norreys Worthington      Conservative On election being declared void. Yes
Compton 1906 Aylmer Byron Hunt      Liberal Aylmer Byron Hunt      Liberal On election being declared void. Yes
York North 1905 William Mulock      Liberal Allen Bristol Aylesworth      Liberal On being appointed a judge. Yes
Antigonish 1905 Colin McIsaac      Liberal William Chisholm      Liberal On being appointed Railway Commissioner. Yes
Lambton West 1905 Thomas George Johnston      Liberal Frederick Forsyth Pardee      Liberal Death. Yes
Wentworth 1905 E. D. Smith      Conservative Peter Douglas McLean      Conservative On election being declared void. Yes
London 1905 C. S. Hyman      Liberal C. S. Hyman      Liberal Ministerial by-election on being appointed Minister of Public Works Yes
Oxford North 1905 James Sutherland      Liberal George Smith      Liberal Death. Yes
Lévis 1905 Louis Julien Demers      Liberal Louis Auguste Carrier      Liberal Death. Yes
Edmonton 1905 Frank Oliver      Liberal Frank Oliver      Liberal Ministerial by-election on being appointed Minister of the Interior. Yes
Toronto Centre 1905 Edward Frederick Clarke      Conservative Edmund James Bristol      Conservative Death. Yes
Wright 1905 Wilfrid Laurier      Liberal Emmanuel Berchmans Devlin      Liberal Laurier was elected to more than one constituency, chose to sit for Quebec East. Yes
Carleton 1905 Edward Kidd      Conservative Robert L. Borden      Conservative Resigned so that Conservative leader Borden could re-enter the House after losing his seat in the general election. Yes
Quebec-Centre 1905 Arthur Cyrille Albert Malouin      Liberal Arthur Lachance      Liberal On being appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court of Quebec. Yes
